Dear health professional in Rheumatology,
Did you know that there is no student in medicine in Flanders that graduates without getting a Patient Partners course?
This has been the case for many years, but now we struggle to keep this promise: we can not find enough patients with RA or SpA who are willing to become a Patient Partner. Therefore, we would like to ask your help.
The main target of the Patient Partners Program is to train patients with RA and SpA. They learn to explain their own story, anamnesis and the clinical examination that is needed to diagnose RA or SpA. With this knowledge they give courses for example to general practitioners and physiotherapists whether in training or not. The courses are given all over Flanders. Each Patient Partner chooses for him/herself how often and where to give classes.
What we want from you
We are currently looking for patients who want to join the new training. We have not yet set the dates of the new training, as we want to agree with the new trainees on this. Therefore, we would like to ask you to spread the message among your patients. You can use the poster or leaflet attached. If you want, we can send you the printed versions. Don't hesitate to contact jorien@r-euma.be for ordering the printed versions.
We will first organise the Dutch speaking trainings. The French speaking trainings will follow later.
If you have more questions do not hesitate to contact me via mail (jorien@r-euma.be) or 0492771662.
We count on you to help us with the success of PPP.